

Linda Wasn't Having Anyone's BS

Someone named Linda wrote up a sign for her desk with snarky answers to small-talk questions including "How was your Christmas?"
Via ermahgerditsimgur

Old Age Be Like That

Caption that reads, "When you're still hungover from drinking two days ago" above a pic of Andy from the office saying, "I guess this is my life now"
Via TyrannosaurusRoss

I'm Dying Here

Pic of an alien saying "Help me" under the caption, "When you wake up drunk AF in the middle of the night to find out there's no water next to you"
Via Dustyfunk
asshole annoying people hangover vegans stupid people - 6271749

'Big Head, Little Body' Is The Meme You Should Send To That Pompous A-Hole In Your Life

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What Day Is It Man

Pic of a cat lying on the sidewalk with the caption, "When you say you would only drink one drink and don't know where the fuck you are"
Via Glort
twitter relatable parenting relatable tweets hungover funny tweets funny twitter hangover same space force childhood memes - 6033157

24 Hilarious Tweets That Are Painfully Relatable

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getting old adulting i quit getting older adulting tweets adults hangover - 5954309

15 Spot-On Adulting Tweets That'll Make You Say 'Same'

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The More You Know!

Funny meme about hangovers.
Via dankmemesgang

Welcome To The Two Day Hangover

Funny meme about trying to party like you're in college, dead alien in fetal position.
Via distinguishedbaloney

I Am God

Funny meme about thinking you'd be hungover but coming out stronger than before.
Via hoegivesnofucks


Funny meme about when you wake up without a hangover.
Via dabmoms

Kill Me Now

Funny meme about the difference between hangovers in your 20s and your 30s.
Via thefunnyintrovert

Weekend's End

weekend hangover web comics - 8980774656

Maybe Next Time Stick to Carrot Juice?

web comics drinking hangover Maybe Next Time Stick to Carrot Juice?
Via thingsinsquares

What Happened?

web comics work hangover What Happened?
Via pondscumcomic

He's Not Just for 90's Kids

Via For Lack of a Better Comic