

I Can't Believe It's Not Midi-chlorians!

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What Are You Doing? STAHP!

wtf gifs fighting - 8459745792
Created by tamaleknight

Darth Vader vs. Dad

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Anime Conventions Hold Some of The Finest Warriors in The Land

Via Bing

This Cat Personifies The Best Course of Action to Take Around Couples Engaged in PDA

Via Reugonemo

They Aren't Real Fish, You Idiot

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Fighting is a Graceful Act

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Created by Omomomburger

Never Underestimate Your Opponent

ouch FAIL gifs punch fighting - 8424487424
Created by Discord666 ( Via Discord 666 )

Cats Fighting in a Tree

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Created by ani.s4 ( Via Youtube )

Badass Animation

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Created by anselmbe

Your Watch Running Late?

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Created by anselmbe

Well if You're Gonna Copy Something, Might As Well Copy Something Awesome

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Via Bing

Just Boxing With a Fan

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Kirk Fu, The Most Intergalactic of Fighting Styles

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Via Queen Mob

Who Are You Swinging At?

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Created by tamaleknight

Meanwhile in Australia...

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Via Rodney Langham