Rage Comics


Ugh, It's Not That Impressive!

Babies kids parenting - 7086178816

Mom's Flip Flop Rage

parenting wtf - 6555404032

Babies These Days

are you kidding me Babies diapers parenting Rage Comics - 6339067392
Created by Xyhpered

The Yeller

yelling parenting dad Hypocrisy - 7130025216
Created by waffles_go_wild

Math, Please!

math parenting truancy story - 6593570048

Just Too Lazy to Walk

i lied parenting Rage Comics sleeping - 6368114176

If You Want to Work Full Time to Support Us, You Can Skip the Chores

all that racket parenting Rage Comics troll dad - 6489999360

The Son I Always Wanted

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At Least I Don't Have Justin Bieber Jr.

Music pluto parenting son justin bieber - 7625967104
Created by Koargo

Best Bracelet EVER!

kids parenting rude - 7704438016
Created by OWOcookiesOWO

I've Trained for This Moment

all that racket parenting Rage Comics video games - 6376667392
Created by blockhead576

What Have I Ever Done to Deserve This?

baby parenting Rage Comics what have you done - 5868411136

Fifty Shades of Fail

50 shades of grey oh god why parenting - 6517558784
Created by Oubliette

The Moment I Realized I've Failed as a Father

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Dad Suggests You Wrap Your Tool

moth Okay parenting Rage Comics trolldad - 6119953664

Technicalities Saved the Cat

parenting pfftch Rage Comics video games - 6320255232
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