
pie charts

Amount of time spent practicing piano

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It's That Time of Year Again

pie charts graphs funny - 4487665152

Where a wet dog shakes to dry off

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Created by MyNameIsNotPa

How Students Use Rulers

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When being called by parents while playing video games

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Created by TheYellowHat

Watching the Red Wedding

pie charts Game of Thrones graphs - 7535162880

I Love Curly Fries

pie charts graphs funny - 4458625024
Created by snaked

Take Your Things, You Won't Be Coming Back

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Created by VoldemortsNose

Might as Well Be Empty

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Created by cameronmacc

My Study Schedule

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"pie" graph

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Created by Ninjalaina115

And That Orange Slice? It's a High Score in Candy Crush

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Created by pmcgee

Better Check the Tall Grass

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Created by Feel-Good

How I use Colons:

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Don't Forget to Change Your Margins

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Created by AncroKT

A Balanced Diet

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Created by jgigs