Art of Trolling


Tumblr: a magical website with the bizarre, the hilarious and the unexpected. Think you've seen it all? Think again. The best one-liners, random threads and weird thoughts are yet to be discovered. 

Git Gud, Skrub


Very formal indeed

Babies pictures tumblr - 6767661056
Created by The Young Wulf

There's a Perfectly Good Reason for All of This!

dogs tumblr - 8386164224

You See, There's Water, And Then Underneath It, There's a Graveyard...

tumblr funny - 7455992320

When You See It...

tumblr camouflage - 8183772672

My God... I... I Don't Even Know Who I Am Anymore!

tumblr cookies monster - 7601851392

Humans Are Super Advanced

humans tumblr - 8224344064

Hay Marriage

marriage puns spelling tumblr - 4330168832

Humans Are Super Advanced

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I'm Trapped!

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Get Out

tumblr wrong spelling get out - 7720478208

I'm Takin' This Issue Straight to the Top!

donuts tumblr barack obama funny - 7482556928

We've Come Too Far to Hit By a Car

dogs dog names tumblr - 7841849600

Wanna Be On Top?

Harry Potter tumblr - 7752118528

Hot Potato

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Chris Brown Will Take You Down

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Created by TheGoddessOphie ( Via Trolling Chris Brown )